Outbound Lead Generation Services


Phone Verified Lead Services / Lead Generation / Lead Qualification & Real Time Telephone Interviewed leads

outbound-callcenter-services-400x265We believe we deliver the highest quality Telephone Interviewed Lead Services in the industry. Why? Because our Phone Verified Leads have been contacted, verified, and qualified by real people in our call center, with a dedicated quality assurance team listening and validating the calls.

Did you know that nearly all telephone “interviewed” leads are not interviewed at all! Instead, they are verified through an autodialer and asked to press a button on their telephone to confirm their interest. They are not interviewed at all.

Qualifying leads can be one of the most time consuming and cost-intensive parts of running a business. With our pre-verified phone lead service, you can be sure you’re targeting interested, qualified prospects that are interested and eager to listen to what you have to say.

Leads are verified through one of our call center, and are told to expect a call from a representative or the lead is warm transferred directly – in fact, we find most of our leads actively look forward to speaking to you. Our prospects are screened by our call center to establish their level of interest, before we go on to ensure they’re good enough quality to pass on to you.

What’s more, each an every lead has opted explicitly to receive your call, and has a real interest in your offering.

We have been providing lead generation services for businesses of all sizes — ranging from small businesses to the large Fortune 500 companies, covering a wide variety of industries. Companies have turned to ROI Call Center Solutions for sales support and expansion through b2b and b2c telemarketing services and lead generation campaigns at a very good cost. All in all, when you work withUP Creative, you get quality assurance and enjoy the following benefits:


  • Phone Verified and Pre-Screened
  • Warm transferred directly to you when qualified
  • Responsive and ready
  • Generated within the last 24 Hours
  • Save time with qualified leads
  • More sales volume
  • Reliable intelligence about your prospects behavior and preferences
  • Reduced cost of sales
  • Raised awareness of your brand within your target market

Using UP’s Phone Verified Lead Services, you will get more people to answer the phone, more qualified people to speak with, and waste less time speaking with tire kickers.